Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First 48 hours...of EI

So far I have to say I am very happy with the providers my daughter is working with.

When you are dealing with providers, you will hear not just about the deficits your child faces but the strengths they possess as well. It has helped to hear these providers list off the same strengths I see in my child. I still get so caught up in her diagnosis that I begin to wonder if I am imagining these strengths or using them to tell myself, "Not my daughter!"

I think it is natural to have those thoughts sometimes. No one wants to be the parent in denial at the disservice of their own child. No one wants to accept their child is autistic either. So its a crazy dance where the choreographer keeps changing the steps each day and no one gives you the notes!

Being told my daughter is "borderline" PDD NOS is a struggle. It leaves me hope which is great in some ways but really difficult in others. A little piece of my heart keeps hoping for some "miracle cure" even though my mind knows better. The speech provider suggested Omega 3 supplements to stimulate speech. I fully intend to try this. But once again my heart is 10 steps ahead of my brain planning her revived speech. My brain knows better. My heart and head are war with each other and yet both sides are in my child's best interest. All I can do is take each day as it comes and hope all will work out well for my baby girl!

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